New Years Resolution: Embrace Stillness!

People everywhere will tell you, the pace of modern life seems to be constantly accelerating. We seem to be always rushing -- to our next appointment, our next business meeting, our next errand etc. When we have a few precious minutes of downtime, we fill it on our phones, swiping from email to social media and back.

It is hard for us to slow down, unplug and to try to sit alone quietly with our thoughts. So many of us are racing around these days, from text to phone call to Twitter to breaking-news update, that we never have time to collect ourselves, to direct ourselves towards what we love.

Stillness is a cousin of mindfulness, another concept that encourages people to live in the moment. But where mindfulness focuses mostly on calming stress, stillness seeks to bring insight and perspective by stepping back from one's daily existence.

It can restore our sanity and balance; it can remind us of what we really want to be doing -- and what we care most about. People should take a few minutes every day, or at least every week, to be alone without distractions and let their mind wander.

Of course, this can be difficult in 2015, when digital devices are constantly competing for our attention. But we don’t have to give up our phones and laptops or go backwards away from the technology that has made our lives so much brighter and more fun. Instead, it's up to us to take conscious measures to make sure we're not lost in the rush.

These ideas are also catching on in the corporate world as tech workers are unplugging with Internet Sabbaths, companies are adding stress-reduction programs for their employees, and mindful practices such as yoga and meditation.

This concept of detachment has struck a chord with people who feel overwhelmed by the demands of the digital age. People are drowning in information and running around so much that they often times get nothing done. 

By stepping back to ensure that you're making a life, as well as a living one will help you lead a fulfilling existence. Stillness can restore our sanity and balance; it can remind us of what we really want to be doing.

True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found. ~ Eckhart Tolle

Start the New Year right…. Learn how to Practice Stillness in 2015 and open the door to your mind.

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The Road To Happiness

We always think that the life will be easier after you finish studying, get married or find a good job…. But when you’ve already accomplished that, you’re controlled by so many worries again and again… We are usually unsatisfied, when our life is not the same as what we wanted. For some reason nothing can make us truly happy or happy enough…

Are there many people who recognize that the happiest time in their life is the moment we are living in? Life contains many challenges and difficulties, troubles and losses… The way to adapt ourselves to the life we have – is accepting it the way it is and believing in ourselves. Anyone knows what happiness feels like, and it’s a great feeling! So why don’t we let it in our hearts?

Don’t wait for any miracle or anybody to bring the happiness to you, don’t wait until you are graduated, don’t wait until you can earn more money, get more success, get married or retired to see what happiness is. Feel happy now. Why not?

Happiness is a road, an itinerary… Let’s enjoy each moment on that itinerary. Let’s spend the time to take care of other people and ourselves.  It’s never too late to start feeling happy for no particular reason. Start with the knowledge that you are alive, healthy and have some loving and caring people around you. Embrace these thoughts and all the good in your life. If you think about it, you will probably find a hundred and one reasons, why you should feel happy right now.

Let’s love and live with all our hearts today, right now and focus on this very moment. 

You will sure find true happiness if you learn to enjoy every day of your life no matter what it brings.

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. - Helen Keller

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Professional Development is a Lifelong Activity.

How often do you set aside time to learn new skills? Chances are, not as often as you'd like! If you're like many people, you're keen to learn, but you struggle to find the time. So, how can you make this time, develop your knowledge, and increase your value, both to your organization and to future employers? 

Why Make Time for Professional Development?
If you're a manager, you'll know how important it is to ensure that your team members are given plenty of training and development opportunities. However, it's just as important to focus on your own learning and development. To do this, it's essential to set aside enough time. 

There are several reasons why you might not make learning a priority. Volume of work is the most obvious reason: with work and personal responsibilities competing for your attention, it can feel impossible to find room in your schedule for learning. 

As well as this, you may feel guilty about taking time out for personal and professional development; after all, this could be used to work on urgent or important tasks, or even to be with your family. 

It can also be difficult to make learning part of your routine. In the course of a busy, hectic day, tasks like "Read leadership book," and "Complete online course" can easily slip to the bottom of your To-Do List.

This can lead you to feel disappointed about not living up to your own expectations, which can affect your self-confidence and make you feel less positive about your career. You can also suffer if you don't stay up-to-date with changes to your industry or profession. For instance, you might miss opportunities to make a greater contribution to your team or organization, and other people may become more effective than you in the workplace.

However, when you make learning a priority, you increase your value to your organization. You're more marketable as a professional, and you're in a better position when you apply for a challenging project or seek a promotion.
Continuous learning can also help you develop expert power. If your boss, team members, or clients see you as an expert, they're far more willing to respect your opinion and follow your lead. This can make it easier to win support for your projects, negotiate a contract, or manage change.

Personal Learning Strategies
There's no doubt that it's important to make your own professional development a priority. But how do you find time to do it?

1. Set Learning Goals
If you don't recognize the importance of what you're doing, it will be easy to give self-development up whenever you're pressed for time or lacking energy and motivation. 

So, your first step is to identify your learning objectives, and visualize how these will help you achieve the other professional goals that you've set. So, what do you want to get from your learning? And why are you making time to learn? 

It's important to set smart, realistic goals from the beginning, and to break these down into long- and short-term goals that you can add to your daily to do list. 

Then, write down why you are devoting time to this activity and how these learning activities are going to make your life better.

2. Identify Obstacles
Next, identify possible obstacles that might make it difficult to stick to a learning schedule, and come up with strategies to overcome them.

For instance, imagine that, over the coming week, you've committed to spending half an hour reading a book when you get home. One possible obstacle is that your kids may want to play with you as soon as you walk in the door. To overcome this, you'll need to explain to them why you need time to study alone. Promise them time as soon as you're finished, and then sit in a quiet room, so you won't be disturbed.

Go through the possible obstacles that might prevent you from spending time on your learning, and write down the strategies that you'll use to overcome each one.

3. Think Small
Many of us assume that we'll need large chunks of time to devote to learning. However, short blocks of time can be just as effective, if you focus.

The key to learning effectively is to maximize the impact of every moment that you have available. Look at your To-Do List, and see what you can achieve in the time available. Make sure that you minimize distractions, even if you only have just 10 minutes free, and concentrate on what you're reading or learning. 

Think about how you can use your mobile device to learn when you're on the move – by using appropriate apps, by listening to podcasts, or by storing information that you want to memorize on the device's notepad. 

4. Learn at Your Best
Many people schedule their learning for a time when they've completed everything else. However tempting this may be, think about how you feel when you've accomplished everything on your to-do list. You're usually exhausted, right?

Everyone has different peaks and valleys in their energy levels. It's important not to schedule learning, which requires a fresh, open mind, for the time of day when you have the smallest amount of energy. Explore how you can better schedule learning to take advantage of the changes in your energy throughout the day.

5. Make Learning a Habit
You'll only be able to sustain your learning if you make it a habit. Developing any habit takes work and self-discipline.

To build a habit, look at your schedule and see how you can work time for learning in every day. Could you get up an hour earlier, or learn on your lunch break? Could you study after everyone else has gone to bed? Take into account the energy levels we mentioned earlier.

Think of a reward that you can use to motivate yourself through, say, the next two weeks. This will help to keep you going when you don't feel like studying, or when you're tempted to skip a day because you want to do something else instead. 

Once you've made it through the first two weeks, take time to congratulate yourself! That first step is always the hardest. Next, commit to spending the next 30 days learning every day. Reassess the time slots you've carved out for yourself: are they working? If not, what tasks could you move around to make learning more practical? 

Remember, habits start out as little daily activities that you force yourself to do. They only become habits with time and persistence. 

6. Choose the Right Learning Style
Do know how you learn best? For instance, some people learn and retain information best when they can read and take notes. Others are active learners; they need to learn by doing something themselves. Still others learn best when they're presented only with the facts and with none of the theory.
It's important to identify your personal learning style so that you can tailor your learning to fit what works best for you. 

7. Collaborate
It's often easiest to learn in collaboration with others; after all, if you know that there are people who are always available if you need help or advice, you're more likely to turn to them instead of giving up. When you join a community that makes learning a priority, these people can also hold you accountable for your learning goals.

One of the best ways to do this is by joining a class or doing a course with others. However, you can also network on LinkedIn and Twitter to find other professionals in your industry who are interested in learning. You can also talk to colleagues to see if they routinely devote time to learning. If so, perhaps you could form a study group, or simply spend time reading or learning together? 

8. Delegate Tasks
Your day is likely full of tasks that you're responsible for. So, how are you going to fit learning in?

Look at your professional and personal responsibilities to see if you can delegate any tasks to someone else, for example by giving new tasks to team members, or by hiring someone to clean your house. If you can clear even a half hour from your schedule, you can use this time to work on your learning goals.

See this time management article for tips on managing your time. 

Key Points
Lifelong learning is essential if you want to stay "in demand" in a changing business world. However, many of us feel that we don't have time to devote to regular learning, in spite of the many benefits it offers.
Start by setting small goals with your learning; commit to devoting time daily for the next two weeks. Identify your learning goals, so that you know why and what you want to learn.

Try to delegate activities to open up your schedule, if you can. And consider forming a support group with others who are also interested in learning.

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