Interviews - Leave a Lasting Impression!

Once you've sailed through that job interview and you're getting ready to say goodbye, you still have one more chance to seal the deal. The interview tip you should keep at the top of your mind is to end your interview on a strong and positive note, leaving a lasting impression on your prospective employer. Prepare for this ahead of time, giving it as much time as you spend practicing answers to interview questions, and you'll find that you have a much better chance of landing your dream job.

Most job seekers know that it pays to make a good first impression, but many don't realize that the last impression is just as important. Even if you've spent plenty of time practicing each interview tip you've gotten along the way, and even if you prove yourself as a strong candidate throughout the job interview, neglecting to prepare for your interview's close will probably make your meeting forgettable. Once interviewers finish asking those common job interview questions, many will ask you if you have any questions, and you should be prepared to jump right in with some of your own.

Turn the tables on the interviewer—ask what they enjoy the most about coming into work every day. This interview tip allows you to quickly reverse the roles and gives you an opportunity to learn more about your potential boss or hiring manager, ultimately helping you tailor your follow-up correspondence. It also gives you the chance to learn more about the company's culture and be sure it's a good fit.

Make sure the interviewer understands that you plan on being with the company for the long term if you are hired is to ask him about the position's goals over the long and short term. Take this one step further, asking what challenges people in similar roles have faced and what you can do to overcome or prevent them.

The final interview tips for leaving a lasting impression on the interviewer is to bluntly ask how they see your skill set fitting into the position you just interviewed for and if there are any concerns as well. This will give you some insight into how the interviewer perceives your strengths and weaknesses, but it will also give you an opportunity to overcome any of those objections at that moment.

The very last question would be to ask what the next step is moving forward and also the companies timeline for filling the position. This gives you a better understanding of the interviewing process and also if they see you to be part of it.

Once all the interview questions have been asked, landing that job requires more than just sending the obligatory follow-up letter. The best interview tip you will ever get is to end the interview by asking concise and pointed questions. You can overcome any reservations the interviewer might have about hiring you and leave a very good last impression that heightens your chances for landing the job.

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The Future…. YOU

How often do you think about your future self? It could make all the difference in how happy and successful you are later in life.

You see, one of the biggest factors in making smart decisions is knowing when to pay short-term costs for long-term benefits. It’s about keeping the future in mind.

But for many, especially in our fast-paced world, there is a tendency for “instant gratification.” We want things now, not later – even if that means rejecting a much bigger reward in the future.

If you don’t think about your future self, and only consider your needs and wants in the present moment, then that can often lead to a lot of impulsive decisions that later come back to bite you.

True intelligence requires that we act with a long-term mindset. We need to pay attention to how what we do today is going to ultimately influence where we are tomorrow. Sometimes it is more important to hold off on something now, so that we have even more to gain in the future.

If you consider your wants and needs in the future, you’re going to act differently today than you would if you completely ignored your future. Individuals are more likely to make these future-oriented decisions when they feel more powerful and in control over their lives. Perhaps, too many people underestimate the influence they have over their future, so they begin to neglect it entirely.

It’s easy to see how our actions influence the present. We do something and we get an immediate reaction. But it’s a lot harder to imagine how these actions influence our future self, months, years and decades down the road. The successful person is strongly connected to their “future self.” They see where they want to be and how they can start moving in that direction today.

Many people underestimate how much their lives will change in the future. But think of it this way:

Take a moment to look back at your life 5, 10, or 20 years ago. That “past self” probably seems quite different from your “present self.” In the same way, if you look ahead toward your life 5, 10, or 20 years, your “future self” is likely to be just as different. We’re constantly growing and changing.

Now that you know the importance of your future self, what are some useful ways you can start better connecting with your future self?

Here are a few exercises to try:

  • Take 5 minutes and ask yourself, “How are my actions today influencing where I will be in the future?” Try to have a long-term mindset and see the bigger picture behind your daily habits.
  • Write a letter from your “future self” to your “present self.” What kind of advice might they give to you? What insights could you potentially learn from them?
  •  Imagine what your life may be like in 5 years. Then 10 years. Then 20 years. What are some possible paths that you might travel down?

The main lesson: thinking about your future self is going to have a positive influence on the actions of your present self.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we should always be thinking about the future. We have to give ourselves permission to enjoy the present too. Our “present self” and “future self” need to be balanced in a healthy way. That balance is critical to our inner peace and happiness.

Have you been thinking about your future self lately? If not, make sure you try out the exercises above and see how they work for you.

Get on the right path to achieve your full potential! Focus on personal development to improve your life. Book a free strategy session at today! 

source: The Emotion Machine

Do You Believe in Yourself?

It can often be hard to believe in yourself, especially if you feel like you have nothing to offer or are unworthy of things. But you are worthy and you are capable. If you're having trouble seeing all the amazing things about you, then read the article below to start building confidence in yourself and get ready to show the world how great you really are!

·        Recognize your skills. Recognize the skills that you have and the good things about yourself. There are lots! You may not always recognize them but they are there. One way is to look for the things that you don't struggle with or to look for the things that people compliment you on (even if you aren't very good about accepting the compliment). When you look at the things you do well, you'll feel more comfortable doing other things too.

·        Meet goals. Set goals for yourself and meet those goals. Actually go out and do things. Just thinking about what you want to do will only make you feel worse about yourself for not even starting them. Once you do make a goal, work hard to achieve that goal. Keep in mind, however, that these should be reasonable goals. Even if you make small incremental steps toward your ultimate goal, you should acknowledge each level of accomplishment. Achieving a goal, however small, will build self-esteem.This creates feelings of empowerment.

·        Learn from failure. Instead of viewing your failures as failures, view them as learning opportunities. You did something wrong so that you know for sure it's wrong and now you'll have an easier time knowing what's right. Everything that goes wrong in your life is an opportunity to learn and move forward towards a better place, so embrace it.

·        Try, even when you feel like you can't or shouldn't. Sometimes we feel like we shouldn't do something new because we might do it wrong. This is a bad mindset. Instead, give yourself permission to try something, even if you might get it wrong. If you never try new things, you'll never be able to make progress. Stop fearing the unknown and start challenging yourself to learn more.

·        Talk to people who love you. If you're really having trouble seeing all the wonderful things about yourself, you can always talk to someone who loves you. Tell them that you're having a hard time and they will find a way to bring you a better outlook. Sometimes we have difficulty seeing the best things about ourselves, but the people that really love us will never struggle to see those things.

·        Take breaks when you need them. If a situation or a task is just too overwhelming, feel free to take a quick break to catch your breath and remind yourself that you can do this. Even if the break is just inside your head, it's okay to stop and acknowledge that you need a minute to build back your determination.

·        Do something you believe in. Another thing you can do to help yourself is to do something that you believe in. Do something that you know is incredibly important and that you know needs to be done. Whether it is for yourself or to help others, being forthright in your actions helps build self-confidence and drives your sense of purpose. Once you start putting your energy into things you are passionate about, your beliefs will align with your actions and you will feel more and more confident each day.

Expand your knowledge and enlighten your mind with the tools you need to excel in your life! Work with a Business and Life Management Coach with over 20 years’ experience empowering people to attain self-defined success in their professional and personal lives. Book a free session at today!

Practice Self-Discipline!

Do you often find yourself procrastinating? Perhaps doing things that you know you shouldn’t be doing? Do you find it hard to stay focused and perform at your peak? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may need to build self-discipline.

Self-discipline is the ability to do what you think you should be doing rather than doing something based on how you feel. For example, you may have an exam taking place tomorrow morning and your mind is telling you that you need to be studying and revising, however you feel exhausted, tired and you want to crash in front of the television.

Self-discipline is closely related to the concept of delayed gratification. By delaying the ‘feel good’ factor now, you can experience an even bigger ‘feel great’ factor at a later point in time. For example, if you did decide to study the night before your exam instead of crashing in front of the television, you may have been more confident in your exam, less anxious and feeling more relaxed and calm. As a result, you may have also experienced a better outcome or better grades. This ultimately leads to more satisfaction.

What are the other benefits of building self-discipline?
  • Remain focused on your goals
  • Be more productive, more effective and more efficient
  • Perform at a higher level
  • Develop a stronger mindset
  • Get more done!
  So, how can you build your self-discipline?

1. Understand Yourself: First, to build self-discipline you need to understand in what areas of your life are you not being disciplined? Where would you like to be more disciplined? What are the areas that you are struggling with most? What are the 3 areas in your life that you keep putting off, but you know if you were to do them they would make a huge impact? Write them down and also write down why you are currently not doing them. Next to each, write down why you want to do each. Re-frame your situation into a positive and look at the benefits of doing something. This leads into my next point.

2. Focus on the Longer Term: What are your longer-term goals? What are you trying to achieve in your life? Focusing on your longer-term goals helps you to understand the important of why you need to do something now. If you were to take action now, what is the longer-term benefit that you will get later? For example, you may find it hard to get off to the gym or go for a run. If you were to go and do this now, what is the longer-term benefit that you will get? Your health, your fitness, your overall well-being is all dependent upon the action that you take in this moment. Another thing is to ensure you do not procrastinate and say that ‘I’ll start tomorrow’. There is no better day than today to kick start a new habit and change your life. By putting things off, this simply weakens your self-discipline and reinforces negative habits with procrastination.

3. Schedule Your Time: A fantastic tool for building self-discipline is to schedule your time. If you are finding it hard to get started on writing your novel, schedule 30 minutes every day for the next 7 days and stick to the time you dedicated to it. Before you know it, at the end of the week you would have spent 3 and a half hours writing your novel. The key is to stick to the time you have scheduled. Obviously allow for some flexibility as a life that is totally scheduled is just simply no fun. However, if you can’t work for 30 minutes at the scheduled point in time, ensure you do it at an earlier or a later time. If it can’t be done that day, ensure you add an extra 30 minutes to the following day.

4. Get Started: One of the best methods for building self-discipline is to simply get started. Often, the hardest part about doing something that you do not want to do is the fact that you have no momentum. It may seem like a daunting task. Run with the motto of ‘just do it’. Take the first step, simply ‘force’ yourself to take action. It will feel uneasy at first, but once you get the momentum going you will most likely start to feel the flow and build your self-discipline.

5. Reward Yourself: I mentioned above that self-discipline is closely related to delayed gratification. If you do something now, you will get a benefit at a future point in time, particularly if it is helping you reach your longer-term goals. However, you can take this to another level. You don’t have to wait until the very end to be reward and start to feel good. Reward yourself at milestones throughout your project or your take. Perhaps it is that you have not started a project yet. Tell yourself that if you work for one hour on your project you will be rewarded with whatever it is that you want to be rewarded with. Set yourself little rewards throughout your project to help you build your self-discipline. Before you know it, you will no longer need to reward yourself at such small intervals.

6. Get Support from Others: Support from others can be a great thing. I recently read that you are the sum of the 5 closest people to you. That means, if you are surrounding yourself with disciplined people that can encourage you and are supportive of your goals, then you are more likely to succeed in what it is that you are trying to do. Who else is doing what you want to do? Another thing is to take action with someone else. Being held accountable by others will help you to reach your goals.  Perhaps it’s finding a personal coach to guide you, gym partner to work out with, or team member to help you get a project done by a certain date. Being accountable helps build your self-discipline.

Get on the right path to achieve your full potential! Focus on personal development to improve your life. Book a free strategy session at